Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fall is here:)

well not completely, but labor day is over and the weather is cooling down finally. Its been cloudy, windy, and dead-leafy here. Its my favorite time of the year. I love carving pumpkins and drinking pumpkin spice coffee. I mean, thanksgiving is cool and stuff but I barely eat any of the food we have on thanksgiving. Im a picky eater. And after thansgiving comes christmas which im excited for. Its not alexs first christmas but its his first one that hes going to be opening his own presents. I cant believe he is 10 months old today. I dont know where that time goes. Hes standing, crawling, babbling and loving bubble guppies. Id really like to find some bubble guppies DVDs so I can get them for his birthday, which is 2 months away exactly! Wow he is needy, gotta take a break from this...Ill finish up later.